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  • Schweitzer ha inviato un aggiornamento 2 anni fa

    uns c68700
    “This Mang Cang Mountain is full of life, and it is used for refining under my Xuanyin religion.”. I pass you this black silk, which is the foundation of this refining method. Every day you have to practice a black silk to me! It’s another task. Shall I take it or not? This black silk itself is a magic weapon of rank 2 to 6, which is refined into a wisp of black gas by sacrificing the souls of human beings and beasts. The higher the power, the more subtle and imperceptible the black silk. At first, it was a pale breath with an incomparable stench. Every time it was raised to a higher level, it became thinner and the color became darker. When it reached the fifth level, it would become as thin as human hair. When it reached the most superb stage, it would become invisible to the naked eye. It would be sent out and attached to the human body. In a short time, it could refine the vitality and spirit of the other party’s body, and the end of the Yin was extremely damaged. The book review section of “Being a Beauty in Anger” makes a lot of noise. Even if you go to watch the fun, you won’t lose money. Bl _ ID = 60036. The Memorandum of Understanding for an Affair is a new book by Lord Salem, which can be called a through train to pick up girls. The friend that does not have mm, can attend this study class/? bl_id=58519 “The Eighth Day” and “The Agent of the Demon” are two old books that I don’t laugh at. They are of good quality and well-known./? Bl _ ID = 39995. The fourth volume of Shushan, the twelfth chapter of Xuanyin, the founder of Xuanyin, the novel Txt, Tang. Chapter 13 Nine Yin Fire Refining the Heart of Tao Chapter 13 Nine Yin Fire Refining the Heart of Tao Bite your teeth! I chose to accept. Can I still tell Gu Chen the truth that life is precious and love is infinite? “I’m not the abnormal monk of the Tang Priest. With the protection of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, I can talk nonsense without bearing the consequences.” With a prompt from the system, you will learn the Xuanyin Sutra of the Demon Corpse Gu Chen, the first layer of mental method, and the art of soul restraint. You can practice black silk! I don’t know whether to laugh or cry when I see the extra skills. In the future,316 stainless steel plate, I will be a serious disciple of the evil sect, and I don’t know if there is any chance for the prodigal son to return and go straight. I am cranky, demon corpse Gu Chen big hand Yang, I suddenly feel cold on the body, it seems that there is a layer of something in. Sure enough, the voice of the demon corpse sounded like a hoarse groan. OK! I have captured your primordial spirit here. If you lose your head a little, you will be scared out of your wits in a snap of your fingers! If you can’t finish the task every day, you have to bear the pain of Yin fire refining the soul. But you go to collect and refine the living soul to help me refine the Dharma. I will give you this treasure to show the generosity of our ancestors. “What is it?”? Take in my primordial spirit? When did this happen? Just then, I saw the belated system prompt. You have been captured by the demon corpse Gu Chen. You can be killed by him at any time. After your resurrection, you will be forced to live on the stone platform where Gu Chen lives. Before I could cry for myself, I took a small banner from the demon corpse Gu Chen and only glanced at the attribute. Suddenly in a mixed mood, I can’t say I admire the designers of Shushan, uns s32750 sheet ,uns c68700, or I want to curse them for going out and hitting the train! Xuanyin Gathering Beast Banner Unfinished Type, Sixth Order Demon Soldier, Magic Weapon Type, Demon Corpse Gu Chen Refining Blue yuan Shen. Attack power 560 ~ 700, Xuanlei + 3, Meridian Cold Wave + 5, additional 300 ~ 470 freezing damage. Increase flight speed 270.. Flashing in the sunlight, I could see that on this six-inch-long small banner, on the surface of the banner woven with black silk, the primordial spirit of the blue one was extremely aggrieved and had a flat mouth! The figure of Xu Xu is so vivid that there is no doubt that he was born. I can’t help screaming to the sky, ah! God, I finally don’t have to bear the burden of this demon pet who eats the value of merit, and run away from PK with people everywhere. Covering my nose, I fled Gu Chen’s side in a hurry. After rushing out of the crack in the ground, I finally took a big breath of fresh air. There are still many beautiful things in this world. I don’t want to play seclusion with the demon corpse Gu Chen under the crack of the ground. A shake of the new Xuanyin Gathering Beast Banner, this thing is obviously not as good as the ninth order magic soldier in Gu Chen’s hand, but as the sixth order magic soldier, it is also fierce and ruthless. The magic weapon of the Xuanyin brand needs the cultivation of the Xuanyin Sutra to urge it. I tried to urge the magic power of this Xuanyin Gathering Beast Banner. Sure enough, more than a hundred black gas shot out from the banner. A wild deer that had just passed by was taken away by a roll of black gas and died with a bang. The flesh and blood of the whole body were even more eroded into pulp, and the death was extremely miserable. There are eighteen spaces on the Xuanyin Gathering Beast Banner. I made a move, and a faint shadow appeared in one of the spaces. I checked it, and the system prompted: “The spirit you captured is too weak to be refined into black silk.”. Is it integrated into the power of Xuanyin Gathering Beast Banner itself? “This or forget it, if I can’t refine a black silk today, then what demon fire soul refining will bring me a painful memory that I will never forget.”. Moreover, the upgrade experience of this Xuanyin Gathering Beast Banner is currently 21% of the sixth rank. To rise to the seventh rank of Demon Soldier, you need 2961 Demon Soul above level 50. I’m not busy upgrading this baby. With a sigh, I set up the sword light and began to carry out the task given by the demon corpse Gu Chen. The monster near White Bull Ridge has been almost killed by me and the mad demon of the night. If I want to find the target of the living soul, I can only go far away. I will not provoke the last remaining one-horned man in Bainiuling. Although now I have such a fierce treasure as Xuanyin Gathering Beast Banner, it is still a very sb thing to go alone to provoke the one-horned man of level 80. I tried to get in touch with the crazy demon of the night, and this fellow didn’t dare to come to Bainiuling again. Apart from giving me the nonsense of mourning and asking for more luck by the way, I’m going to form another team with someone to fight the demon soul of level 80. I cursed the communicator. He was disloyal and timid as a mouse. The mad demon of the night did not refute it, but said with a giggle, “I will buy some blood tonic pills and Qi tonic pills for you.”. If there are other needs, I will also bear them. But I won’t go to Bainiuling. It’s beyond my ability to run errands for the demon corpse Gu Chen. Angrily turned off the communicator, I really can’t think of how to escape under Gu Chen. Mang Cang Mountain has many species, and I soon found a group of twenty-seven or twenty-eight wood Kui. Xuanyin gathered animal banner a shake, more than a hundred black gas cover,x52 line pipe, although this group of wood Kui is much stronger than the wild deer, but also can not resist how much time. When I completely destroy this group of wood Kui, the soul accumulated on the Xuanyin gathering animal banner is enough to refine two pieces of black silk of the second order. lksteelpipe.com