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19 Novembre 2014 0 Commenti Alessandro Lifonti
interview by Alessandro Lifonti
italian version
MR: In 1999 I Bought a great record called “Consider this”! The band’ s name was Kick and the singer was Nick Workman. Today I can proudly interview Nick.
Nick, thank you for answering our questions!
NW: No problem at all!!
MR: Nick, let’ s start from the 90’s. How did you start Kick and why did the band split up?
NW: It started when I was introduced to the Jones brothers by a mutual friend. They were called Freefall at the time. I was brought in to do a project with Chris Jones. I wrote all the lyrics and melodies to an albums worth of material. Chris then said he would like me to try singing over the new Freefall material and the first track I did was Streets of Shame. Awesome song!! Anyway, as soon as we finished tracking that song Mike and Chris asked me to join Freefall but under the new name of KICK. The songs I wrote for the project became wildcard a few years ago but I didn’t have anything to do with that and didn’t know it was being released until I saw an advert for it. KICK never really split up. It just stop doing anything. I would be nice to do something again one day. Who knows.
MR: On the album “consider this”, there’ s a beautiful ballad called “Whispers in the dark”. Who did you dedicate that song to?
NW: That was dedicated to my Mum who died from cancer. When she died the only way I could sleep was by having a chat with her when I went to bed. It helped me a lot. You never get over losing someone you love, but you learn to live with the loss.
MR: What have you done between the end of Kick and the beginning of Vega?
NW: I was in a band called Eden. We did 3 albums and it was my first venture into recording on a computer. More of an education for me than anything else and it kept me doing what I love. I sang with a harder edge with Eden but only because Vince, the guitarist, smoke about 40 fags an hour! haha
MR: Why the name Vega? What does it mean?
NW: Dan came up with that. Band names are the worse thing to come up with. It’s the 8th brightest star in the solar system……..and a very popular name in Spain. haha.
MR: The first record of the band (kiss of life) is probably one of the best releases of 2010. Back then were you aware that you were writing such a great album?
NW: Well, we knew that we loved it. We won’t hit the studio until we have an albums worth of songs that we love. You need to love what you do to do it well. VEGA still splits opinions in the melodic rock world, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. There are enough bands out there playing pure AOR so a band like VEGA, who like to mix it up a bit, will be refreshing to some people.
MR: With your second album you changed label and a little bit of the band’s style, even though we can still consider your second release as good as the first one. What did really happen back then?
NW: We took a chance and didn’t work out. We signed with a label in Sweden who were part of Universal. We obviously thought it was going to be great but it was terrible. They made so many mistakes and the communication with other territories was dreadful. We managed to get out of the deal with the masters.
MR: And here we are with the band’ third release Stereo Messiah, and you signed with Frontiers again. Tell us anything you want about this brand new cd!
NW: We wanted to come out fighting. Our live shows are high energy so we wanted that to come across on the cd which i think it does. We wanted bigger hooks, bigger drums, bigger vocals…..bigger everything. haha. We wrote 25-30 songs for this album and we could have made it a double album!
MR: The band’s second album is really hard to find in the stores. We heard that Frontiers will release it again. Is that correct?
NW: That’s right. Frontiers have been amazing to us. When we asked them about the 3rd album they were totally up for it and didn’t try to make things hard for us. We held our hands up and said we made a mistake. We were men about it and I think they respect that. We asked them a little later about What the Hell. We needed to finance going on tour with Joe Elliott and this was the way to do it.
MR: Nick, Vega will play at the frontiers rock festival next year. What can we expect from your performance?
NW: High energy, crowd participation, the best of VEGA! We aim to take the roof off the place!!!!!
MR: The artwork of Stereo Messiah is by Nello Dell’ Omo. What would like to say about him?
NW: Nello is a LEGEND! He has put together an amazing cover and booklet and helped us out with loads of other stuff as well. If anyone needs an artist for their artwork then they should look no further than Nello Dell’ Omo. I can’t wait to have a beer with him in Milan.
MR: Nick, thank you for your time. We’ re looking forward to seeing you at the frontiers festival next year!
NW: Thank you mate. We all check out your website and love what you do. Lets have a few drinks in April!!! :0)
© 2014, Alessandro Lifonti. All rights reserved.
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